They say 'A Sunday well spent, brings a week of content' and I completely agree. After a night out for my friends birthday and a day of slobbing around with the girls eating dominoes and watching films it was the perfect Sunday, but I had chipped black nail varnish and they also say 'chipped nails means dirty underwear' so I had to sort it out ASAP!
I started off by removing the mess on my nails with this Elegant Touch nail varnish remover that I bought in New Look, I then filed them into this square shape, I am so happy that my nails are growing strong after years of wearing acrylics but I like to keep a similar shape.
Firstly my favourite nail varnish at the moment is this one, surprisingly from H&M. The shade is Rainforest Lake and I think it looks great on darker/tanned skin because it is super bright. My wardrobe is pretty much a mixture of grey, black and khaki and now it's getting towards spring, I thought I would add a flash of colour.
Anyway, back to the nails, I change my nail varnish all the time and I have a pretty big varnish collection but I get really impatient when it comes to drying them. As soon as I saw this Elegant Touch nail drying spray I was so excited and it really does dry your nails in 60 seconds! It also leaves a really nice shine to your nails and skin.
A woman is only helpless when her nail varnish is drying.... Well no more thanks to this £3 wonder!

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