The preparation for a good start on a Monday starts on Friday. Try and complete all of your tasks at work an hour before you leave the office so that you can organise yourself for Monday morning!
Make sure you have replied to any emails by Friday afternoon, so that you don't have to worry about remembering what that person wanted on Monday and so that you don't forget to reply once your inbox is flooded again on Monday morning. You can also expect a reply on Monday morning, which will hopefully help you get on with the job.
Tidy your desk before you leave so that you have a clear mind. A tidy desk is a tidy mind and its awful when you start your day feeling all over the place!
Make a to-do-list before you leave work, I have been doing this religiously and it saves you trying to remember what that urgent thing was off the top of your head. It also leaves you a bit of time to grab a cup of tea in the morning and not feel so stressed.
Make a nice lunch to take to work. This will give you something to look forward to on Monday and also saves time and money which means you spend less of your time on Monday lunch time queueing up for food! It can also contribute towards a healthier diet, because we all know its easy to pick up that sandwich and crisps... and chocolate.
Have a pamper session and pick out your outfit the night before. This will give you some extra time in the morning and ensure a smooth start to a new week. You may also want to pack your handbag and put a few rollers in so that your hair is full of life, without the hassle in the morning. My fellow naturalistas will agree with me that wearing a silk bonnet at night is a godsend, silky smooth hair that is easy to manage is guaranteed. Check out my sunday night pamper tips here.
Have an early night. Right now I am contradicting myself as its nearly midnight and I am up writing this post! Read a few pages of that book you can't put down and try and get 8 hours of sleep so that getting up isn't soooo bad.
Leave out a few minutes earlier. Getting to work just 10 minutes before you have to be there gives you a bit of extra time to grab a drink and not feel rushed to do things as soon as you have sat down. You may even want to put on a bit of makeup or something to make a monday morning not feel so drab!
Have breakfast. I am not to great on the breakfast front, but lately I have been having a banana for breakfast everyday and I can feel the difference. It doesn't seem much but with a yoghurt I stay full until around 12! I have recently been enjoying the Muller vitality yoghurt drinks.
Read the news. Sometimes it may feel like life revolves around work and that can be quite de-motivating. Reading the Metro on the bus/train or reading the news online when you get to work can remind you that there is a lot going on in the world! It will also help you to avoid any awkward 'faux pas' if there has been a particularly controversial crisis.
How do you prepare for a new week? Thanks for reading!

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