First year at university didn't prepare me at all. Starting second year was pretty much the same as the jump from Secondary School, to Sixth form and yep it hurt when I landed! The first two weeks involved constant partying…..

and yep, this is where I also crashed and burned. After working all summer, most of us came back with energy waiting to be unleashed on broad st. But a couple of weeks later, the assignments began, the group-work meetings started and the energy was gone!! I also have had 2 jobs already this term. One was following from the job I started in summer and I was lucky enough to get a transfer, but the pay was awful and it was boring, so I left for a Christmas temp job which has been fun, yet tiring and I haven't really been out since!
I have learnt a lot this term and have actually been so focused, working on a live brief for my uni's marketing Agency ran by students has made me realise that PR is really what I want to do! I also won an iPad mini this term and it really motivated me to keep working hard and maybe I can keep winning things yay! One of my assignments due in the new year is all about making a blog, and luckily enough I can use the one I have. I really hope to do well in this assignment, thus the reason I am going to start writing much more in depth posts and also turn Maya's world into more of a lifestyle blog, as inspired by The Londoner (I AM ADDICTED).
Living away from home truly gives you the space you need to find out things about your own personality, bad and good. One thing I have realised is that I can pretty much talk about anything, anytime, (all day long) so I want my blog to show this and show you a bit of Maya's World. In the New year I really hope to make something of my blog and get to at least 100 followers by the end of 2014. Working so many hours has made me feel drab and under the weather, so another thing I want to do is a wardrobe revamp, although every one of my friends has said the same thing!!
Currently… I am on the hunt for a year long Industrial Placement in the Advertising, Marketing and PR sector , particularly PR, starting around June. so if you have any recommendations of where to apply, or if for some weird reason you want to employ me (PLEASE) get in touch!
Anyway, that was just a little post on what's to come on the blog and what I have been up too…. (evidently not much) Thanks for reading anyway and as usual…. follow me on bloglovin and I'll follow you back!
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