Happy New Year!
I turned 21 in September 2014, and it was a funny age, you're definitely not a teenager anymore, but you still feel like you can ask for help with everyday life decisions.. such as 'Mum will I die if I drink milk a day after the best before date?'
Most of the changes stem from my placement year which came to an end on the 31st July, in which I had a lot of major ups and downs. But overall, I do think it was an experience that toughened me up and truly taught me the meaning of independence.
I lived alone for the first time,
Flew alone for the first time,
Took on work important work tasks alone for the first time..
Pretty big stuff!
It was also the first year where I thought that decisions I start to make now will most likely effect my life, particularly long term decisions such as relationships, new friendships, career decisions and I also entered my final (EVER) year in education.
So although some of those things may not be important for some, it was a bit of an awakening for me.
Goals for 2016...
I am a little apprehensive when it comes to setting New Year Resolutions as I hate failure, so I have the tendency to avoid certain things altogether if I can't see a quick, or good result.
However, this year I would like to:
Work on my health and fitness
Make more time and effort for certain friends & family
Achieve a 2:1 Grade or higher in my degree
Get a graduate job
Blog more
Learn how to drive
Use less heat on my hair
Wish me luck!

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